Every year we have to raise money to fund the Study Centre’s ongoing activities. To develop our programme and secure our future we rely on support from grantmaking trusts, individual and corporate donations as well as income generated through our courses. You can support us in a number of different ways:
Use your skills to assist with the day-to-day running of the studio. Our volunteer programme is an important part of the Curwen Print Study Centre, and our success on a day-to-day basis is supported by the valuable work of volunteers. We aim to give volunteers an insight into the daily running of a print studio and also help develop their print knowledge through studio practise and opportunity to attend courses. If you are able to commit on a regular basis please get in touch.
On a regular basis (for example, a monthly or annual gift) or as a one off. If you are a UK tax-payer you can substantially increase the size of your donation by completing a gift-aid form.
By leaving a legacy to help secure the future of the Study Centre.
By donating print equipment or materials.
As a Business or individual you may like to:
Email if you can help support the Study Centre