Important information for attending the studio

Before attending your course, please check our latest Health and Safety Information for your safety and enjoyment in the studio.

Open Access Sessions

If this is your first booking to work in our new studio, at the beginning of the session it will include a 1-hour induction with the Studio Technician.

Please let us know what printmaking method you will be working on during the session.

Curwen Print Membership Bookings

If you have joined as an Open Access Studio Member and purchased a Class Pass for your first session booking – we are delighted to welcome you as a Member. You will also have completed a Membership Form, and on receipt of your completed form we will email you directly with further details about your membership, including your unique discount code for booking courses

Payment for booking Members Open Access Sessions

Payment for each session is covered with your initial purchase of a Class Pass and will continue in this way as you make your monthly membership payments via Standing Order. Any sessions booked ahead which will happen beyond the duration of membership are payable at the non-member rate.

Non-Members Open Access Sessions booking

Full payment of the day/session fee is required when booking a place. A reserved place is not secure until full payment has been received.

If for any reason you need to cancel your booking, please let us know as soon as possible. If you cancel more than 5 working days before the date booked, we will refund monies paid minus a £20 admin fee. For cancellations made with less than 5 working days notice we regret that we are unable to make any refund unless we are able to fill your place. If we are able to fill your place, we will refund the balance less the £20 to cover the cost of administration. Transfers are at the discretion of Curwen Print Study Centre and are also subject to a £20 admin fee.

Open Access Sessions Cancellation Policy

If you are no longer able to attend a pre booked session, please cancel the session 5 working days before the session date to allow others to book the place. In consideration of other studio users, non-attendance of Members’ booked sessions will be monitored and should this be a regular occurrence, could result in restricted booking access.

CPSC reserves the right to cancel sessions if necessary – we will give you as much notice as possible in these circumstances.

Materials & Equipment Information

We will provide all the materials needed for you to use our equipment and print your work, however, feel free to bring your own. Wear comfortable, safe clothing and footwear that you don’t mind getting inky! No high heels please. Please bring a folder with you to take your prints home after each session.

Buying materials

If you want to buy any materials to use while in the studio, we have a range of paper, equipment and resources for sale with a price list up in the studio. We will ask you to complete a Materials form listing what you have used during your session and payment is due at the end of the session, unless agreed otherwise in advance. We accept card and cash payments. If you would like a receipt, please ask the technician.

Directions to the studio

For travelling to the studio, please follow these detailed instructions found on our Directions to the studio page.


Please arrive no earlier than 5 mins before the session start time. The technician arrives earlier to prepare the studio and needs the time prior to your arrival to make sure the studio is set up ready for you to use.

Refreshment Facilities

There is a kitchen with a small fridge, microwave, toaster and kettle available for your use while you are working in the Open Access Studio. Tea and coffee are provided.

DON'T FORGET! Please bring your own lunch, snacks and any other beverages you may require.

Parking and EV charging

We have a large car park, with enough space for a coach and several cars. There are EV charging points in the CPSC Car Park available for course participants to use. We currently have a set fee of £5.00 for which you can charge your vehicle for the day whilst you are in the studio. You will need to use your own charging lead to go directly from your car into the charging unit.

Clean up and departure

The session finishes at the time stated in the course programme. The technician will expect you to have cleared up and be ready to leave at the end of your session. They may ask you to finish printing and begin clearing up to allow sufficient time for you to be ready to leave at the end of the session.

Cancellation policy

If you cancel your booking more than 20 working days before the course start date, CPSC will offer a refund of monies paid minus an admin fee of £15. However, CPSC is unable to offer any refund on cancellations made less than 20 working days before the course start date. Transfer of bookings is at the discretion of CPSC. CPSC reserves the right to cancel courses and a full refund will be made in these circumstances.

Health and Safety

By attending a course at CPSC you agree to abide by our Health and Safety policy which is on our website and displayed in the Health and Safety folder in the studio. The course tutor will highlight the most important parts of the policy whilst introducing you to the workshop and its equipment. Participants that do not act safely and responsibly within the workshop, will be asked to leave. Please note: Belongings are left in the studio at the participants own risk. This includes any work you choose to leave in the studio.


CPSC feels it is very important that there is a positive, supportive and respectful working environment for everyone in the studio. Please be mindful and sensitive to the needs, experiences and views of others, and to the use of the presses, space and materials. CPSC will not tolerate any language or behaviours that are offensive, intimidating, or violent towards any person in the studio.


All the staff at CPSC have full DBS checks which are updated regularly. Our Safeguarding Policy and procedures are reviewed annually, and a hard copy is available if you ask the Centre Director.

Data Protection

CPSC will hold your name and contact details on our database in order to provide you with information about courses; we will not pass this personal information to any third party without your express permission. Please let us know any changes to your details and contact us either in writing, by email, or by telephone if you would like to be removed from our database and we will do so within 28 days. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website or by request for a hard copy.


If you have particular requirements or if you need to bring a carer with you, please let us know. The studio is all on ground level and is fully accessible. Please contact us beforehand if you have any particular requirements.